WSDOT Local Programs Bridge Committee – City positions open
The Local Bridge Program is focused on preserving and improving the condition of city- and county-owned bridges that are physically deteriorated or structurally deficient through replacement, rehabilitation, and systematic preventive maintenance. The Local Programs Bridge Committee is made up of four county representatives and four city representatives, with the Local Programs Engineering Services Manager serving as Chair. The committee normally meets in the fall of every odd-numbered year. This committee is tasked with developing the application requirements and screening criteria for the various bridge funding programs, reviewing suggested lists of projects, and sending the final recommendations to the Director of Local Programs for final approval. If you’re interested in serving on the committee, please contact AWC’s Logan Bahr.
WSDOT Transportation Demand Management Technical Committee – City position open
Apply to serve on the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Technical Committee! The TDM Technical Committee influences broad transportation demand management goals and targets, informs policy, and elevates the profile that transportation demand management can play in advancing outcomes around public health, economic vitality, climate change, and supporting thriving communities. Applicants should have a willingness to engage with policymakers, bring a statewide perspective, attend ten committee meetings per year, and support strategic plan and action plan. For more information, please visit the WSDOT TDM Board website or request an application from Logan Bahr.