Published on May 12, 2020

Take action: Support flexible, long-term federal funding for cities for COVID-19 response

Contact: Peter King, Jacob Ewing

AWC is continuing the fight for direct federal funding for cities and we need you to get involved.

For the past two months, the federal government has excluded most cities from receiving direct federal aid for COVID-19 response. AWC has partnered with the National League of Cities (NLC) and other state leagues to launch the Cities Are Essential campaign. We’re advocating that lawmakers make $500 billion in flexible federal funding directly available to cities and counties over the next two years.

This week, House Democrats introduced the HEROES Act, a $3 trillion stimulus package. The HEROES Act includes $375 billion split 50/50 between counties and cities. Funds will be allocated based on a modified CDBG formula with entitlement communities receiving funds directly while non-entitlement communities will receive funds through the state. We expect the House to vote on the bill this Friday.

These funds are essential to ensure that critical city services continue, city employees stay employed, and city budgets remain solvent during this public health and economic crisis.

What can you do to help?

  • Reach out to your Congressmembers – NLC created easy-to-use forms to send letters as well as tweet at your Senators and Member of Congress.
  • Write an op-ed or letter to the editor – NLC developed guidelines and messaging to help raise your voice in your local media market.
  • Share your story – NLC is working with cities to help shed light on the impact of COVID-19. Share how your community has been responding to the pandemic – whether it be heroic tales from frontline workers or the financial impact of flattening the curve – your story matters.
  • Build a coalition – The support of the business community and other organizations is critical to the success of this campaign. Encourage your local businesses and organizations to join the national sign-on letter to Congress.

With your help, we can secure critical federal funding for cities and ensure that our communities remain safe, prosperous, and enjoyable places to live.

Take action today!

For more information, please contact Peter King or Jacob Ewing.

  • Federal
  • Advocacy
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