Published on Feb 07, 2020

GMA climate goal bill passes out of committee

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Shannon McClelland

An amended version of the bill that purports to tackle climate change as a goal of the Growth Management Act (GMA) got voted out of its policy committee ahead of the first cutoff deadline.

The amended version of HB 2427 made the following changes:

  • Applies only to Buildable Lands counties, to counties with a population of at least 300,000, and to the cities within them. Other counties and cities are encouraged to adopt the goal.
  • Amends the content of the new climate change goal to the following:
    Climate change. Develop and implement comprehensive plans, development regulations, and regional policies, plans, and strategies under RCW 36.70A.210 and chapter 47.80 RCW that help achieve state greenhouse gas emission reduction limits; adapt to the effects of a changing climate; build resilient infrastructure; and protect people and property from natural hazards exacerbated by the changing climate.
  • Intends that the new goal is adopted at the same time as the next required comprehensive plan update.
  • Environment & natural resources
  • Land use & planning
  • Advocacy
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