Published on Mar 18, 2019

Bill that would eliminate advisory votes on tax increases set for committee vote

Contact: Candice Bock, Brandon Anderson

SB 5224 repeals provisions that require legislative tax increases to be subject to an advisory vote in which voters at the next general election express a preference for the tax increases to be repealed or maintained. A recent public hearing was held on the bill in the House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee.

Initiative 960, which was approved in 2008, created a process for Washington citizens to provide an advisory vote on whether a legislative tax increase should be repealed or maintained. The advisory vote occurs at the next general election following the passage of the bill, however, the results of advisory votes are non-binding and do not result in a change to the law.

Proponents of SB 5224 argue that the current law erodes public trust in elections and that ballot language is purposefully written to encourage voters to repeal tax increases and reject the elimination of tax exemptions.


Dates to remember

HB 5224 is scheduled for executive session in the House State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections Committee on Tuesday, March 19 and Friday, March 22.

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