The Legislature made a number of significant increases to capital investments in the proposed 2018 capital budget supplemental request. Highlights include:
- Additional $5 million for the Community Economic Revitalization Board;
- $5 million for a CERB administered broadband program;
- $75,000 to the Department of Ecology to convene a workgroup to make recommendations and improvements to the floodplains by design program;
- $10 million for stormwater projects recommended by the Orca task force;
- $300,000 increase to fish barrier removal;
- $4 million increase to the Housing Trust Fund;
- $25.3 million to build capacity for community based behavioral health facilities;
- $15.4 million to increase forensic bed capacity and system improvements at the state psychiatric hospitals; and
- An additional 21 projects funded in the Aquatic Lands Enhancement for $11.3 million.
For more detail see AWC’s budget matrix or the state fiscal website.