During the session your legislators are in the midst of their busiest time of year. You may have lots of “asks” from them, or you may be watching them work from afar. Whatever the case may be, dropping a simple “thank you” for their hard work can go a long way! See this example from 2015 & 2016 AWC Advocacy All-Star, Jerry Cummins, Walla Walla Councilmember thanking his legislators. Great work, Councilmember Cummins!
“I have made a lot of 'support asks' this week so I am designating today as the day simply to 'thank you' for your diligent work in Olympia on behalf of all the citizens in both the 8th and 16th legislative districts. Sometimes people simply continue asking for things so today I want to reverse my motive and express appreciation for your hard work and say 'thank you' for your representation. Thank you.”