Published on Jan 27, 2017

Another busy week for personnel bills


House committees will hear a number of bills with potential impacts to city personnel rules. These bills include:

  • The House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee will hear HB 1227, which clarifies that the state is responsible for paying workers’ compensation coverage for offender work crews working for cities and other local governments. AWC supports this clarification.
  • The same committee will also hear HB 1533, addressing wage and salary information. This bill prohibits an employer from seeking an applicant's wage or salary history and requires employers to provide wage scales and salary ranges to employees and applicants.
  • The House Appropriations Committee will hear HB 1560, which will change the default retirement system for employees covered by the state’s Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). Currently an employee who does not choose a retirement plan within 90 days is placed in PERS 3 by default. This proposal would change the default to the PERS 2 system beginning July 1, 2017.
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