Data & Resources

Resources relating to

  • Session is only the tip of the iceberg

    Check out AWC’s advocacy iceberg for a sense of what you can be doing to advocate for your city or town—and see all of the work going on under the surface during the legislative interim.

  • Elected Officials Essentials Workshop recordings

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programThis video series is a must-see for every newly elected mayor and councilmember. This training fulfils the Open Government Training Act requirement for elected officials.
    (CML: Roles, responsibilities, and legal requirements; 3 credits)

  • Mayor & Councilmember Handbook

    This handbook serves as a reference guide for mayors and councilmembers in Washington cities and towns operating under the mayor-council form of government.

  • Top 10 tips for talking to the media

    Here are the top ten ways to communicate with the media that Meeghan Black gave during the January 2023 Mayors Exchange in Olympia.

  • Homelessness & housing toolkit for cities

    This publication provides real-world examples of tools and actions Washington cities have used in responding to the issues of homelessness and affordable housing.

  • AWC’s elected officials’ road map

    Elected officials must learn all about their new role, what their city does, and how to inspire change that has a lasting impact on their community and future generations. This road map helps elected officials navigate their first year in office.

  • AWC Equity Resource Guide: Tools and case studies for Washington cities

    AWC’s Equity Resource Guide serves as a starting point for cities seeking to do the intentional work of improving diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in their communities.

  • You have it, use it: Home rule in Washington

    This report explores the existing authority that cities have in Washington to make decisions and laws close to home.

  • Climate Resilience Handbook: Preparing for a changing environment

    AWC partnered with a variety of climate experts to publish a resource for city leaders and planners. Find tips for assessing and understanding the unique risks facing your community, guidance on developing a climate action plan, and strategies for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

  • State of the Cities: Housing report

    This research report explores cities’ housing challenges and solutions using data, infographics, city case studies, and a rundown of available fiscal and policy tools.

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