Data & Resources

Resources relating to

  • Civic voices: Innovative approaches to public engagement and communication

    Across the state, city leaders are seeking ways to bridge the divides in their communities and improve civic discourse. This issue offers ideas, inspiration, and strategies to break through the noise and negativity and foster better dialogue. From working toward a gender balance in local leadership, to overcoming language barriers, to engaging local youth, to unlocking the untapped potential of civic pride, cities across Washington are making local government more inclusive and welcoming to all.

  • Pro tested

    AWC board member, elected official, and PR professional Jillian Henze on why every city needs a communications strategy that works in good times and in bad.

  • Progress report

    A statewide academy works to create gender balance in Washington’s local leadership.

  • Freedom of speech

    Sunnyside introduces interpretation services at public meetings to make local government more inclusive and welcoming for the city’s Spanish-speaking community.

  • Urban/Rural addition

    From 2014 to 2023, the state’s population increased by 14.54%, with an estimated 5,288,492 Washingtonians living in an incorporated area.

  • Noted: Supreme Court of the United States: City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson, et al.

    Opinion of the court.

  • Double duty

    Micki Harnois on lessons learned from working as a clerk/ treasurer in one small town, while serving as an elected official in another.

  • Cities love

    The secret to unlocking & unleashing the untapped potential of civic pride.

  • The art of alternative response

    How Washington cities are forming new partnerships to better serve individuals in crisis.

  • Time capsules

    Monuments to communications technology of yesterday and tomorrow.

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