<a href="">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="">Sheila Gall</a> | Feb 16, 2024
An amended version of the bill to require new licensing for ticket sellers (<strong>HB 1648</strong>) did not move out of the House Rules Committee for floor action before the cutoff deadline, and the TSWIFT Consumer Protection Act will not advance this session.
An amended version of the bill to require new licensing for ticket sellers (HB 1648) did not move out of the House Rules Committee for floor action before the cutoff deadline, and the TSWIFT Consumer Protection Act will not advance this session.
Online ticket seller regulation moves out of committee
January 26, 2024
An amended version of the bill to require a new state licensing system for online ticket sellers moved out of the committee on January 26. The changes included technical amendments addressing definitions for sellers that would be subject to the new license, with an expectation that work on the bill ‘s provisions will continue as it advances through the process.
Online ticket sales bill back and scheduled for swift action
January 12, 2024
A bill to provide additional consumer protection from online ticket bots and deceptive resellers, and to license ticket sellers, HB 1648, sponsored by Rep. Kristine Reeves (D–Federal Way), is back again this session. It is on a swift track for hearing.
The current bill would impose new protections on event ticket sales and violations for bypassing ticket sales security technology and deceptive ticket sales practices. It also would require ticket sellers to be licensed by the state. This version addressed concerns cities had last year with the original bill’s proposed language that could have preempted local admissions taxes.
The amended bill kept the short title of TSWIFT Consumer Protection Act and has familiar pop culture references that may be worth a look in the last section.
Date to remember
HB 1648 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee on Tuesday, January 16 at 1:30 pm.