Electronic monitoring optional, not mandatory under amendment to HB 2390

by <a href="mailto:lindseyh@awcnet.org">Lindsey Hueer</a>, <a href="mailto:katherinew@awcnet.org">Katherine Walton</a> | Feb 02, 2024
The new substitute bill provides the court with discretion on whether to require electronic monitoring.

The new substitute bill provides the court with discretion on whether to require electronic monitoring. The previous version of the bill required electronic monitoring to be a condition of release.



New penalties for eluding police and resisting arrest up for a vote

January 26, 2024

HB 2390 creates an impoundment and forfeiture procedure for vehicles used to elude law enforcement and creates an electronic monitoring requirement for defendants released from custody on charges of eluding a police vehicle or resisting arrest. The bill is scheduled for a vote in the House Community Safety, Justice & Reentry Committee.

AWC supports HB 2390 to give law enforcement additional tools to address suspects fleeing law enforcement and to hopefully deter these crimes.


Dates to remember

HB 2390 is scheduled for a vote in the House Community Safety, Justice & Reentry Committee on January 29 at 1:30 pm.



New penalties for eluding police and resisting arrest

January 21, 2024

Companion bills addressing penalties for eluding police and resisting arrest have both been scheduled for public hearing. HB 2390, sponsored by Rep. Clyde Shavers (D–Oak Harbor), and SB 6200, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick (D–Mill Creek), create an impoundment and forfeiture procedure for vehicles used to elude law enforcement. The bills would also require courts to impose electronic monitoring on a defendant released pending charges of eluding a police vehicle or resisting arrest or someone released on community custody for these crimes.

AWC supports this legislation to help address the issues with rising numbers of suspects fleeing in a vehicle from law enforcement.


Dates to remember

HB 2390 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Community Safety, Justice & Reentry Committee on January 23 at 4 pm.

SB 6100 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Law & Justice Committee on January 23 at 10:30 am and for a vote in the same committee on January 25 at 8 am.

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