Pothole claim procedures

by <a href="mailto:rmsa@awcnet.org">RMSA staff</a> | Jan 17, 2024
Streets have taken a beating over the years. Heavy rains, freezing temperatures, ice, and snow have all exacted their toll. The resulting potholes and defects are usually considered road hazards.

Streets have taken a beating over the years. Heavy rains, freezing temperatures, ice, and snow have all exacted their toll. The resulting potholes and defects are usually considered road hazards.

Procedures for when you have a pothole claim

  • If it is a county or state road, give the claimant the appropriate contact information for those agencies to make their claim. No need to assist further than that.
  • If the road is city owned, tell the claimant that RMSA reviews claims on a case-by-case basis and that there is no guarantee of reimbursement. Encourage them to hold off on repairs, if possible, but if the vehicle is not able to drive, suggest they discuss the damage with their auto insurance carrier and keep their receipts while RMSA claims staff reviews the facts of loss.
  • Thank the claimant for making you aware of the pothole and assure them the best efforts will be made to quickly make repairs.
  • Document the pothole notice and get public works out to perform temporary or permanent repairs if possible. If you’re not able to do either within 24 hours, place traffic cones or other warning devices around the pothole. Document the public work response/repair.
  • Submit all relevant information (photos, invoices, maintenance, and inspection records, etc.) to RMSA claims staff at rmsaclaims@awcnet.org. Should the claimant come back to you for status on the claim, refer them to the assigned RMSA claims handler.
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