WA House of Representatives schedules emergency management bill for hearing

by <a href="mailto:lindseyh@awcnet.org">Lindsey Hueer</a>, <a href="mailto:katherinew@awcnet.org">Katherine Walton</a> | Jan 05, 2024
<strong>HB 1952</strong>, sponsored by Rep. Mike Volz (R–Spokane), creates a statewide recovery framework and a state program for long-term community recovery assistance to county governments and federally recognized tribes.

HB 1952, sponsored by Rep. Mike Volz (R–Spokane), creates a statewide recovery framework and a state program for long-term community recovery assistance to county governments and federally recognized tribes. While AWC is supportive of a statewide recovery framework, the bill currently limits the emergency recovery assistance to county and tribal governments. AWC is advocating for cities to be added to the list of eligible governments.

AWC supports expanding funding to cities for prevention, planning, response, and recovery for wildfires and other natural disasters.


Dates to remember

HB 1952 is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Innovation, Community & Economic Development, & Veterans Committee on January 12 at 10:30 am.

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