2024 AWC legislative agenda in the works

by <a href="mailto:candiceb@awcnet.org">Candice Bock</a> | Aug 09, 2023
The Legislative Priorities Committee began its work in June and met at the end of July to continue their consideration and deliberations of the many issues under discussion.

The Legislative Priorities Committee began its work in June and recently met at the end of July to continue their consideration and deliberations of the many issues under discussion. In July, the Committee considered input from both the Small and Large City Advisory Committees.

Among the many issues they have discussed as potential priorities are:

  • Legislative help to address challenges with police officer recruitment and retention including increased funding options and expanding BLEA training academies to help get officers on the street faster.
  • Additional resources for responding to the new drug possession laws as well as potential technical revisions to address prosecutors' concerns with implementing the new law.
  • Revising the 1% property tax cap to provide more funding flexibility to meet basic community needs like more resources for public safety efforts.
  • Expanding funding options for affordable housing including additional local and state REET authority.
  • Addressing public safety concerns around auto theft and property crime including further revisions to pursuit restricts and more funding for local and regional response to these public safety challenges.
  • Increasing behavioral health services in our communities including additional resources for co-responder programs and crisis response.
  • Support further funding for operations and maintenance of critical infrastructure including traditional, transportation, and broadband.

The Committee will meet again on September 12 to make recommendations for the AWC Board of Directors consideration. The AWC Board will review and vote on the recommendations at their September 20 meeting.

If you have input to suggest, please share it with us and plan to join our online update on August 25 at Noon. Register here.

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