<a href="">Brandy DeLange</a>, <a href="">Brianna Morin</a> | Mar 24, 2023
Expansions to apprenticeship utilization requirements may soon become reality for cities as <strong>HB 1050</strong> draws closer to the Governor’s desk.
Expansions to apprenticeship utilization requirements may soon become reality for cities as HB 1050 draws closer to the Governor’s desk. The bill requires that contractors hired for municipal public works projects estimated to cost $1,000,000 or more have at least 15% of the labor hours performed by apprentices.
The legislation was amended in the House to remove the requirement that subcontracts with an initial price of $350,000 or more
require at least 15% of the labor hours be performed by apprentices. The provision that no contractor or subcontractor is accountable for the failure of any other contractor or subcontractor to comply with the apprenticeship utilization requirements
To further refine the bill, AWC is proposing a stairstep approach—starting all contracts at $2 million in 2024 and incrementally dropping to $1 million by 2028. The Department of Labor and Industries will conduct a study to review apprenticeship
utilization at each contracting amount and will be required to perform education and training.
HB 1050 passed out of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee last week by a 5-2 vote, receiving no amendments. Its next stop is the Senate Rules Committee.