<a href="">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="">Sheila Gall</a> | Mar 10, 2023
Thanks to all the city officials who asked legislators to move <strong>HB 1670</strong> the property tax cap fix to a floor vote by Wednesday’s floor cutoff.
Thanks to all the city officials who asked legislators to move HB 1670 the property tax cap fix to a floor vote
by Wednesday’s floor cutoff. Unfortunately, the bill did not advance and is stuck in the House. As we reported last week, this is a difficult proposal because it is considered a “tax” vote for legislators. House members were reluctant based on a belief that the bill would not succeed in the Senate.
AWC is hopeful that the bill could be deemed related to the budget and acted on before the session adjourns. But there is no guarantee that would be the case.
AWC has supported the bill as a modest proposal to revise the arbitrary 1% cap on property taxes. Revising it to inflation and population growth up to 3%, as recommended by the State Tax Structure Work Group, would allow local elected
officials the option to better meet the needs of their residents.