Rural county sales tax extension keeps moving through process

by <a href="">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="">Sheila Gall</a> | Feb 03, 2023
Companion bills that would extend the current rural county economic development sales tax (.09 sales tax) until 2054 are moving through the process.

Companion bills that would extend the current rural county economic development sales tax (.09 sales tax) until 2054 are moving through the process. HB 1267 passed out of the House Local Government Committee and is scheduled for a hearing in the House Finance Committee. The Senate version, SB 5613, is also scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee.

AWC supports extending the .09 sales tax, which is set to expire in counties that are close to the limit of 25 years after imposition. It is an important tool for development partnerships in rural cities and counties.


Dates to remember

HB 1267 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Finance Committee on Tuesday, February 7 at 8 am.

SB 5613 is scheduled in the Senate Local Government Committee on Tuesday, February 7 at 8 am.

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