Update on HB 1220 – Significant new responsibilities around planning for housing

by <a href="mailto:carls@awcnet.org">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="mailto:shannonm@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Dec 09, 2022
The 2021 Legislature passed significant enhancements to the responsibilities for cities around planning for housing growth in <strong>HB 1220</strong>.

The 2021 Legislature passed significant enhancements to the responsibilities for cities around planning for housing growth in HB 1220. Several follow-on efforts to support implementation are coming forward, including the final draft of housing need numbers.

The Washington Department of Commerce is required to develop projected housing needs by income level to help local governments manage growth in the state. These numbers are developed at a countywide level with recommendations for final allocation based on regional coordination. Find draft housing needs numbers are now in the Housing for All Planning Tool. Expect final projected housing needs guidance in early February.

We have begun hearing concerns from cities about the housing needs numbers, which generally show a great need in the 0-50% Area Median Income affordability level, as well as an overabundance of supply at higher affordability levels. We continue to work with the agency on implementation guidance. Please share any feedback you have on these tools.

We are also expecting draft guidance on how local governments should plan for sufficient land capacity to accommodate anticipated growth. The released draft is anticipated for a 30-day public comment period this month. This will be another key set of guidance; we encourage you to review, provide comments, and share those comments with AWC.

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