Middle housing grants for Puget Sound cities still available

by <a href="mailto:carls@awcnet.org">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="mailto:shannonm@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Dec 09, 2022
The Middle Housing Grant Program provides funding to cities or regional groups to take actions towards allowing middle housing types on at least 30% of lots zoned for single family at the beginning of the grant. Funding is still available for the current fiscal biennium.

The Middle Housing Grant Program provides funding to cities or regional groups to take actions towards allowing middle housing types on at least 30% of lots zoned for single family at the beginning of the grant. Funding is still available for the current fiscal biennium.

Grant funds are currently available to cities within King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. The proviso states that for this grant “middle housing types” include duplexes through sixplexes, townhouses, courtyard apartments, cottage housing, and stacked flats. Local actions under the grant may include but are not limited to:

  • Data gathering/analysis and GIS work
  • Other research related to middle housing
  • Community outreach
  • Analysis of racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing
  • Analysis of barriers to middle housing production
  • Analysis of potential gaps/needs in current plans or regulations
  • Drafting of anti-displacement policies or approaches*
  • Development of performance measures
  • Drafting of local policies and development regulations to help achieve middle housing*

*Note: While draft ordinances are expected as part of the scope of work, final actions on such ordinances are not required by the end of the grant period (June 30, 2023) but may be considered later.

Base level grant funds are awarded based on population as follows:

  • Cities under 10,000 population: $60,000
  • Cities between 10,000 and 20,000 population: $75,000
  • Cities over 20,000 population: $100,000

Cities may apply for additional funding, beyond the base amount above, to provide to community-based organizations (especially those that are typically under-represented in the planning process) or to meet other specific needs. Further, if needed to accomplish key tasks, cites may seek a contract amendment that results in greater amounts than previously established. The grant contracts are performance-based, so funds are provided at key steps of the project, based on deliverables.

For more information, see Commerce’s webpage or contact mary.reinbold@commerce.wa.gov.

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