New rules adopted for domestic animal waste

by <a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Oct 14, 2022
The Washington State Board of Health (Board) has adopted rules revising WAC 246-203-130, Keeping of Animals.

The Washington State Board of Health (Board) has adopted rules revising WAC 246-203-130, Keeping of Animals. Cities that have ordinances relating to proper handling and disposal of animal waste will want to review the minor changes regarding acceptable disposal at regulated compost facilities.

This revised section of the General Sanitation rules, chapter 246-203 WAC, establishes minimum standards to help prevent, control, and abate health hazards and nuisance associated with the handling and disposal of domestic animal waste. This includes waste from livestock animals such as horses and cattle, and waste from nonlivestock animals such as dogs and cats.

The concise explanatory statement summarizes the differences between the proposed rules and adopted rules and responses to public comments. The rules include standards to:

  • Avoid unsanitary accumulations of waste in containment areas where animals are held or housed for a period of time;
  • Prevent contamination of other people’s property, drinking water sources, and surface water bodies with potential to affect human health;
  • Promote safe handling and disposal of nonlivestock waste; and
  • Promote safe stockpiling of livestock waste.

For more information regarding this rulemaking, please visit the Board’s domestic animal waste rulemaking web page or contact Board staff at

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