Retro Annual Meeting in review

by <a href="">Retro staff</a> | May 11, 2022
The Retro Board, Advisory Committee and staff were pleased to host the Retro Annual Meeting on May 4 in Yakima.

The Retro Board, Advisory Committee and staff were pleased to host the Retro Annual Meeting on May 4 in Yakima. Over 50 members from 30 Retro employers gathered in-person to network and hear from leadership about the excellent services, resources and tools provided by the Retro Program.

AWC President and Retro Board Chair Kent Keel welcomed attendees and thanked his fellow governance members for their leadership in policy-making and member standards to which members are now reaping the rewards. As a University Place Councilmember, Chair Keel shared his interest in networking as a fellow Retro member and hearing the latest news from staff.

Staff shared the latest information on programmatic focus, including leadership engagement, safety and claims trends, and the long-term strategic planning retreat outcomes. Key takeaways:

  • Leadership engagement. The programmatic focus for 2021 and carrying forward to 2022 is to engage all levels of elected and executive leadership to set the tone and commitment to a culture of safety and health. Thanks to Mary McDougal from City of Lakewood for sharing their local efforts in engaging leaders at all levels, challenges faced along the way, and the value of resources provided by the AWC Retro Program to help achieve their shared vision of workplace and workforce safety.
  • Claims trend for Retro years 2018-2020. Insights from injury claim data reveals that the Retro Program’s top dollar and highest quantity of claims were attributed to overexertion and bodily reaction. On-site safety consultations are a prioritized emphasis for 2022 with a focus on education of how overexertion and bodily reaction claims occur as well as prevention.
  • Strategic planning. AWC staff met with the Retro Board and Advisory Committee last fall to have long-term planning discussions. This meeting helped leadership and staff set goals in the areas of technology, financial stability, workplace culture, and member services. These goals will guide and direct staff work over the next several years as we work to fulfill our program mission of Every employee, home safe, every night.
  • Complex claims and PTSD. The Retro Program has begun working with outside legal counsel to help us resolve some of the most complex and difficult claims that impact the Retro Pool. Retro claims coordinators are also now having regular meetings with all member organizations to discuss proactive plans on claims including claims of concern for the employer.
  • Celebrating Retro success. The final adjustment for the 2018 Retro year provided a $2.88 million refund for the AWC Retro Pool; the Retro board approved a 100% return of refund dollars to participating members. The last three years of final adjustments (2016-18) has seen premium refunds totaling over $6.8 million. The final adjustment this fall of the 2019 Retro year is also looking very promising.
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