City feedback requested: Bill to create social equity in the cannabis industry expands licensing and siting options

by <a href="">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="">Jacob Ewing</a> | Jan 21, 2022
A bill that aims to create greater social equity in the cannabis industry does so in a manner that impacts cities and counties.

A bill that aims to create greater social equity in the cannabis industry does so in a manner that impacts cities and counties.

HB 2022, sponsored by Rep. Emily Wicks (D–Everett), requires the Liquor & Cannabis Board (LCB) to issue 63 new social equity cannabis licenses beginning in 2022 and each calendar year through 2029. These new social equity licenses will include:

  • 38 new cannabis retailer licenses to applicants who qualify as social equity applicants;
  • 25 new producer and/or processor licenses.

Potential city impacts

All licenses issued under the social equity program are mobile and may be for premises located within any city, town, or county in the state that permits cannabis business activity at the proposed location. These licenses are issued regardless of:

  • Whether a license was originally allocated to or issued in another jurisdiction;
  • The maximum number of retail outlets originally established by the LCB for each county under existing statute; and
  • Existing distance restrictions established by the jurisdiction other than within 500 feet from the grounds of an elementary or secondary school.

Local zoning and licensing authority remains unimpacted.

AWC is seeking additional city feedback on these proposed changes. Take a moment to complete this very short survey.

Poll questions


Dates to remember

HB 2022 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Commerce & Gaming Committee on January 28 at 10 am.

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