<a href="">Candice Bock</a> | Mar 15, 2021
We’re excited about federal aid for cities through the ARP but continue to plug away here in Olympia in anticipation of state budget proposals and much more.
Last week’s passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act stole the spotlight from action in Olympia. The $1.9 trillion ARP provides funding for a multitude of programs and relief efforts including $65.1 billion for cities. This translates to $4.2 billion for the State of Washington, $1.4 billion for Washington’s 39 counties, and $1.1 billion for our 281 cities.
We are relieved and excited that Congress recognized the needs of state and local governments. AWC has worked in partnership with the National League of Cities over the past year to advocate for federal support as part of the Cities are Essential campaign.
We are grateful to the members of Washington’s congressional delegation who voted to pass the relief and thankful that they included direct funding for cities.
The new federal funding, combined with what is expected to be a positive revenue forecast later this week, will likely change some expectations for the state legislative budget proposals. We anticipate seeing proposals as early as next week. Once they
are released, AWC staff will analyze them and then inform you about how the budgets impact cities.
AWC Lobby Day
Don’t miss the latest legislative news with fresh updates at AWC’s Lobby Day on March 24. AWC lobbyists will bring you the most current news on policy bills and budget proposals. It’s a great opportunity to get up to speed so you
can share the information with your local legislators. If you haven’t already, register now for the free online event.
AWC Advocacy All-Stars
We are constantly reiterating the need for all city leaders to stay engaged in the legislative process and to communicate regularly with local legislators.
We’d like to thank all of you that have heard our message and have stepped up your own advocacy efforts. Your work has truly paid off. We are particularly appreciative of the city officials who have testified in remote committee hearings. Your voice
is powerful.
As you review this week’s bill Hot Sheet, note that only one bill is listed in the “oppose” category. It is a testament to the strength of cities voices. Even more important, you will see that a good number of bills we support are still
advancing through the process and that we’ve helped move some bills we were previously concerned about into the “monitor” category.
City leaders working together as one voice are truly powerful. We send thanks to all you Advocacy All-Stars out there.