<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Feb 05, 2021
The Legislature is showing great interest in providing additional direction to cities and counties on how to prepare the housing element of the Growth Management Act (GMA) comprehensive plan.
The Legislature is showing great interest in providing additional direction to cities and counties on how to prepare the housing element of the Growth Management Act (GMA) comprehensive plan. HB 1232, from Rep. Andrew Barkis (R–Olympia), is one of the narrower proposals seen this session. The bill passed the House last year on a strong bipartisan vote but did not advance in the Senate.
AWC is working to harmonize the various proposals on housing planning and secure financial support to perform the additional work. Provisions in HB 1232 may be included in such an effort.
The bill has two major elements:
- Requires cities to consider a variety of missing middle housing types (duplexes, triplexes, etc.) in the GMA planning process, and to consider housing locations in relation to employment locations.
- Requires cities to link jurisdictional goals in the housing element to overall county goals. If cities do not authorize all missing middle housing types, then the countywide planning policy must provide for how the county as a whole and its cities
will meet the existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments. Countywide plans would also be required to “ensure” that cities and counties are collectively meeting the requirements of the Housing Element.
The first element seems appropriate to AWC, given the interest in the topic at the state and local levels and the flexibility provided to cities to pursue the work. The second element, on the other hand, is concerning as it potentially involves counties
in city decision-making or generating significant interjurisdictional work without resources to support it.
The provision is based on a longstanding theme that housing is a regional issue but that local decisions do not always account for regional considerations. AWC would like to hear from cities about other ways to account for regional issues while also retaining
appropriate city decision-making.
Date to remember
HB 1232 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Local Government Committee on Tuesday, February 9 at 10 am.