<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Jan 08, 2021
The University of Washington has issued its final report on the “Updating Washington’s Growth Policy Framework” process.
The University of Washington has issued its final report on the “Updating Washington’s Growth Policy Framework” process. This process was initially conceived to follow the Ruckelshaus “Roadmap to Washington’s Future”
effort from 2018-2019. The goal of the recent process was to make widely supported and actionable recommendations for amending the Growth Management Act (GMA) and other planning laws. This report is the result of that work over the course of the 2020 interim.
The project brought together a wide variety of stakeholders: cities, counties, developers, realtors, environmental organizations, tribal nations, and more. AWC staff participated extensively, as did the Buckley Mayor Pat Johnson and Ridgefield City Manager
Steve Stuart.
Ultimately, there was not a consensus proposal generated. With the limited time and funding available, many of the issues were not vetted as much as needed to produce final recommendations.
AWC believes that the project will provide value as conversations continue about GMA reform. Some of the concepts first explored in this process may still come forward as independent bills in the 2021 session.
First GMA bill of the session to be heard
SB 5042 from Sen. Jesse Salomon (D–Shoreline) takes home the honor of being the first GMA bill heard in 2021. This bill would establish
the effective date for certain actions under the GMA as the later of two dates: either 60 days after publication of the notice of adoption or, if a petition to the Growth Management Hearings Board was filed, upon issuance of the Board’s final
The actions covered by the bill are:
- Urban growth area expansions
- Removal of agricultural, forest or mineral resource land designations
- Creation or expansion of a limited area of more intensive rural development
- Establishment of a new fully contained community
- Creation or expansion of a master planned resort.
In the past, AWC has stayed neutral on proposals similar to that of SB 5042. If you have thoughts or concerns with the proposal, please share them with Shannon McClelland ahead of the bill hearing.
Date to remember
SB 5042 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Housing & Local Government Committee at 8 am on Tuesday, January 12.