2021 L&I workers compensation rates finalized

by <a href="mailto:candiceb@awcnet.org">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="mailto:mattd@awcnet.org">Matt Doumit</a> | Dec 04, 2020
As we noted in October, the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) announced a proposal to increase workers compensation insurance rates for firefighters and law enforcement for the fourth year in a row.

As we noted in October, the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) announced a proposal to increase workers compensation insurance rates for firefighters and law enforcement for the fourth year in a row.

On November 30, L&I finalized the rates with no significant changes from the October proposal. While the new rate increases are moderate, they are on top of higher-than-normal rate adjustments for the public safety sector in recent years. There is some good news, as rates for city public works and parks employees continued to decrease slightly. The finalized 2021 rates for all job classes can be found here.

The following rates are worker types pertinent to municipalities:

Worker type

2021 % change from 2020

4-year cumulative change

City public works and parks



County streets and parks



City/county law enforcement







While individual work class rates did see some changes, the 2021 rates mark the fourth straight year there has been either no increase or a decrease in the statewide average premium rates. L&I Director Joel Sacks stated that L&I wanted to keep 2021 rates steady because of the pandemic, but noted that increases would be needed in the future.

Premiums are determined by rates based on the type of work performed, and then multiplied by the jurisdiction’s experience factor. A jurisdiction’s experience factor can go up or down based on claim history and costs.

Members of AWC’s Retro Program can view their jurisdiction’s rate online via the RiskConsole portal.

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