<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Nov 06, 2020
The Departments of Ecology and Health recently released the Draft Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Chemical Action Plan (CAP) for comment through December 7.
The Departments of Ecology and Health recently released the Draft Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Chemical Action Plan (CAP) for comment through December 7. The Draft CAP identifies the potential health and environmental effects of PFAS
chemicals and recommends strategies to reduce or eliminate those impacts in Washington. Ecology and Health worked with representatives from industry, tribal nations, local governments, environmental groups, and academia to develop the plan.
The following is a summary of the recommendations:
- Ensure drinking water is safe
- Identify funding for PFAS drinking water mitigation.
- Provide technical support for PFAS site characterization, source investigation, and mitigation when PFAS are discovered in soil and water above levels of health concern.
- Support biomonitoring and other health studies to answer important health questions.
- Manage environmental PFAS contamination
- Establish PFAS cleanup levels for soil and groundwater.
- Partner with local organizations in communities with contaminated water or contaminated sites.
- Work to prevent PFAS releases from firefighting foam use and manufacturing.
- Reduce PFAS in products
- Reduce PFAS exposure from carpet and rugs, stain and water resistance treatments, and leather and textile furnishings.
- Identify additional sources and uses of PFAS to consider in the second Safer Products for Washington cycle.
- Implement other reduction actions for PFAS in products.
- Understand and manage PFAS in waste
- Evaluate PFAS in wastewater treatment.
- Evaluate landfill PFAS emissions.
- Evaluate Washington biosolids management.
There are several ways to learn more and lend your voice:
- Read the Draft PFAS CAP and the corrections document.
- View the slides and meeting notes from an informal webinar held in October.
- Attend one of three formal public comment webinars in November.
- Submit written comments.
Details and contact information for the above can be found on Ecology’s PFAS CAP website.