<a href="">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="">Jacob Ewing</a> | Aug 07, 2020
The U.S. Census Bureau Director announced that all counting efforts will end on September 30—one month earlier than originally scheduled.
The U.S. Census Bureau Director announced that all counting efforts will end on September 30—one month earlier than originally scheduled.
With roughly three out of ten households yet to be counted in Washington, outreach over the next two months will be critical to ensure a complete count of your community. The final census count is important for cities because it:
- Ensures fair representation for your community at all levels of government.
- Impacts the level of funding received over the next decade.
- Provides reliable and complete data for research, decision making, and planning for both the public and private sectors.
The Census Bureau released additional outreach resources on their website, including new videos. To view your community’s response rate, please visit the 2020 Census Response Rates Dashboard.