Governor’s Office releases updated proclamation on utility ratepayer assistance and disconnects

by <a href="">Logan Bahr</a>, <a href="">Maggie Carol</a> | Jul 02, 2020
On Friday, Governor Inslee issued a new version of <a target="_blank" href="">Proclamation 20-23</a> pertaining to utility ratepayer assistance.

On Friday, Governor Inslee issued a new version of Proclamation 20-23 pertaining to utility ratepayer assistance. The proclamation also extends the prohibition on the disconnection of utility services for nonpayment and the charging of late fees. This version includes a new guidance document explaining how utilities should design their customer support programs. For more information on how to comply, check out MRSC’s webpage on the topic.

Please note that the guidance document is subject to change if the proclamation is extended and AWC is discussing potential changes with the Governor’s Office. Please let AWC staffers Logan Bahr or Maggie Douglas know if you have any questions or concerns about the proclamation and its impact.

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