Food insecurity ongoing challenge for Washington residents

by <a href="">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="">Jacob Ewing</a> | Jul 02, 2020
A recent report released by Northwest Harvest determined that millions of Washingtonians could soon face food insecurity.

A recent report released by Northwest Harvest determined that millions of Washingtonians could soon face food insecurity.

The report determined that of Washington’s 7.6 million residents, approximately 2.2 million, or nearly one third, will face food insecurity resulting in hunger due to economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. The report estimates that the peak of the state’s food insecurity crisis will occur between August and December 2020–soon after federal unemployment benefits are scheduled to end. The report is available on Northwest Harvest’s website which also includes a dashboard providing county-specific data. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updated information as it becomes available.

Northwest Harvest is a regional nonprofit that distributes food and supplies to 375 food banks, meal programs, and high-need schools around the state of Washington. The organization operates distribution centers in every region of the state. Last year, the organization distributed 22 million meals.

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