Amended bill adjusts rollout of program to vacate criminal convictions

by <a href="">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="">Jacob Ewing</a> | Feb 28, 2020
A striking amendment adopted in the Senate Law &amp; Justice Committee suspends the administrative rollout of a new program to vacate criminal convictions until a study and pilot program can be conducted.

A striking amendment adopted in the Senate Law & Justice Committee suspends the administrative rollout of a new program to vacate criminal convictions until a study and pilot program can be conducted.

Previously, HB 2793 established a program to vacate up to 8.4 million criminal convictions without providing a funding mechanism for local governments to implement. However, under a new amendment, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) will carry out a study and a pilot program of a court-driven process to vacate criminal convictions rather than an automated process.

Timelines for developing the vacation program are as follows:

  • By December 1, 2020, the AOC must provide a report with findings, recommendations, and an implementation plan to the Legislature.
  • Beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 20, 2022, the AOC must conduct a pilot program with a county to test the proposed system.
  • By December 1, 2022, the AOC must submit a final report (including a summary of data collected during the pilot program) to the Legislature.

AWC takes no position on the underlying policy but supports the adopted amendments.

HB 2793 is currently in the Senate Ways & Means Committee awaiting a hearing.

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