Governor’s homeless sheltering proposal has first hearing

by <a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Jan 24, 2020
AWC is seeking feedback on a Governor-request bill aimed at increasing shelter capacity.

AWC is seeking feedback on a Governor-request bill aimed at increasing shelter capacity.

Governor Inslee made a centerpiece of his intent to address homelessness this session, with a specific focus on increasing shelter capacity by 50% across the state, either in homeless shelters or authorized encampments. HB 2649, the bill intended to accomplish this, is in the process of significant amendment and is very unlikely to stay in its current form.


We encourage you to reach out to AWC to share your thoughts on what your city is willing (and unwilling) to do in terms of enhanced attention to sheltering.


Consider these questions when contemplating your city’s input:

  • If provided with resources, would your city be willing to site more shelters or authorized encampments?
  • Are you interested in a process that would require cities to coordinate with counties to enhance shelter opportunities or evaluate current zoning and permitting structures with a goal towards siting these facilities?

Stay tuned to our Legislative Bulletin in the coming weeks for more specifics on the direction this bill ultimately takes.


Dates to remember

HB 2649 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Housing, Community Development & Veterans Committee at 10 am on Tuesday, January 28. It is scheduled for a committee vote at 10 am on Friday, January 31.

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