JLARC extends law enforcement mapping survey

by <a href="mailto:sharons@awcnet.org">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="mailto:brandona@awcnet.org">Brandon Anderson</a> | Sep 15, 2019
Law enforcement: Look for your unique survey link from WSU and complete a JLARC survey as soon as possible.

Law enforcement: Look for your unique survey link from WSU and complete a JLARC survey as soon as possible.

The 2019 Washington State Legislature directed staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) to study K-12 school mapping systems used to facilitate responses to schools during incidents or emergencies (HB 1216). Mapping systems include Rapid Responder, as well as alternatives that school districts purchase. JLARC staff are working with Washington State University (WSU) to survey all school districts and law enforcement agencies in the state.

All law enforcement agencies should have received a survey link from WSU in early August. Please complete the survey as soon as possible. You will receive a letter, postcard, and email to remind you. Each agency will have a unique link and an access code.

If you have any questions, visit the JLARC web site.

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