Non-housing land use and planning bills
<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | May 20, 2019
Most of the land use and planning bills this session had a relationship to <a href="/advocacy/News/advocacy-news/2019/05/20/affordable-housing-takes-center-stage-slower-year-on-homelessness">addressing the housing crisis</a>.
Most of the land use and planning bills this session had a relationship to addressing the housing crisis. Here are the bills that we reported on that were the exception:
Bill #
Brief description
HB 2044
Park district deannexation
Law; effective July 28, 2019
SB 5151
Searchable database of land use decisions
Delivered to Governor. If signed, effective July 28, 2019
HB 1357
Unincorporated island annexation
Did not pass
HB 1506
Urban growth areas
Did not pass
HB 1737
Utility service annexation
Did not pass
SB 5193
GMA/rural development
Did not pass
SB 5242
Rural county economic development
Did not pass
SB 5243
Growth Management Hearings Board standing
Did not pass
SB 5245
Critical area designation
Did not pass
SB 5249
Unincorporated island annexation
Did not pass
SB 5259
GMA/agricultural land
Did not pass
SB 5520
Urban growth areas
Did not pass
SB 5630
GMA hearings/composition
Did not pass
SB 5639
Growth Management Hearings Board
Did not pass
SB 5946
Voluntary GMA
Did not pass