Design-build bidding bill scheduled for Senate committee hearing

by <a href="">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="">Brandon Anderson</a> | Mar 25, 2019
<a target="_blank" href=";Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019"><strong>SHB 1295</strong></a>, concerning the public works design-build bidding process, is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate.

SHB 1295, concerning the public works design-build bidding process, is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate. The bill makes changes to the public works design-build bidding process, including:

  • The limits for projects to be eligible for design-build are decreased from $10 million to $2 million;
  • Work order amounts are increased from $350,000 to $500,000;
  • The number of job orders that that can be awarded is increased from two to three;
  • Job orders may be used by any public entity;
  • Contracts over $350,000 and 600 hours in a single trade are required to include use of apprentices;
  • Evaluation criteria for design-build contracts must include minority women owned business certification and reporting requirements; and
  • The signed contract must include the minority women owned business and veteran business reporting requirement.


Dates to remember

SHB 1295 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections Committee on March 27 at 8 am.

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