First-responder occupational disease compromise bill set for Senate hearing

by <a href="">Logan Bahr</a>, <a href="">Brandon Anderson</a> | Mar 18, 2019
<a target="_blank" href=";Chamber=House&amp;Year=2019"><strong>HB 1913</strong></a> is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Labor &amp; Commerce Committee.

HB 1913 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee. This bill creates new first-responder workers’ compensation presumptions for additional cancers and infectious diseases.

HB 1913 also creates an advisory committee on occupational disease presumptions within the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) that would review scientific evidence and make recommendations to the Legislature for any future presumptive diseases for first responders.

HB 1913 is the product of months-long negotiations among cities, counties, and first responder advocacy groups. AWC supports the compromise bill.


Dates to remember

HB 1913 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on Monday, March 18 at 10 am.

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