Bill that helps fire departments recover cleanup costs passes House

by <a href="">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Mar 18, 2019
An amended version of <a href=";Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019"><strong>HB 1169</strong></a> passed the House 64-32.

An amended version of HB 1169 passed the House 64-32. The bill includes recovery for the removal of hazardous materials (including debris or vehicle fluids of any kind) when responding to an incident on private or public property.

The bill was amended on the House floor and now does the following:

  • Defines “incident” as an unplanned, unintentional action or situation and that necessitates a fire service jurisdiction response, including but not limited to a motor vehicle accident, hazardous material spill, unauthorized burn, boating accident, or airplane crash.
  • Requires the liable party to submit the reasonable costs to any insurer that provides coverage for property damage the liable party is responsible for causing.
  • Allows the fire service jurisdiction or department to submit the bill or invoice directly to the liable party's insurance company if the liable party does not submit the bill or invoice to its insurance company within fourteen days.
  • Clarifies that the insurance company may issue payment directly to the fire service jurisdiction or department if coverage is available.
  • Clarifies the costs will be proportionally charged if there is more than one liable party.
  • Removes language that restricted recovery costs to the insured party's policy limit.

AWC supports the bill.

HB 1169 is now in the Senate awaiting a hearing.

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