Substitute version of HPA and bulkheads bill moves forward

by <a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Feb 18, 2019
<strong><a target="_blank" href=";Year=2019&amp;Initiative=false" target="_blank">HB 1579</a></strong> implements recommendations of the Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force that makes changes to the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) statutes and the single-family bulkhead policies.

HB 1579 implements recommendations of the Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force that makes changes to the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) statutes and the single-family bulkhead policies. The bill passed out of its policy committee and is scheduled for a hearing in its fiscal committee.

The substitute version removes declaring a violation of the hydraulic code to be a public nuisance. The bill now creates a hydraulic project preapplication process. A person may file a hydraulic project preapplication with the Department of Fish and Wildlife to determine whether a complete application for a hydraulic project permit is required. The department must provide tribes and local governments a seven-calendar-day review and comment period for preapplications. If the department determines that a complete application is required, the submittal and review process is unchanged from current law.

HB 1579 also proposes to eliminate the streamlined permitting provided for protective bulkheads or rock walls that benefit single family homes. The bill would repeal RCW 77.55.151, leaving those bulkheads to go through traditional HPA permitting processes.

We would like feedback from cities on whether that is something we should support. Please contact Carl Schroeder with your feedback.


Dates to remember

HB 1579 will be heard Wednesday, February 20 at 3:30 pm in House Appropriations.

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