B&O tax filer deadline to align with federal tax day

by <a href="mailto:candiceb@awcnet.org">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="mailto:andrewp@awcnet.org">Andrew Pittelkau</a> | Feb 11, 2019
Rep. Luanne Van Werven (R&ndash;Lynden) sponsored <strong><a target="_blank" href="https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1059&amp;Year=2019&amp;Initiative=false">HB 1059</a></strong> aligning the due date of annual B&amp;O tax payments and federal tax payments on April 15.

Rep. Luanne Van Werven (R–Lynden) sponsored HB 1059 aligning the due date of annual B&O tax payments and federal tax payments on April 15.

Annual filers must pay their state B&O taxes by January 31. The original version of the bill had a deadline of March 1. On February 5, during the executive session in the House Finance Committee, an amendment was adopted moving the date to April 15. The bill has been referred to the House Appropriations committee. The bill has not been scheduled for a hearing.

AWC is monitoring this bill. There are 45 cities that have a local B&O tax that could be affected by this change.

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