Proposal to change GMA urban services definition

by <a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Feb 03, 2019
<strong><a target="_blank" href=";Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019">SB 5520</a></strong> makes a small but, possibly, very meaningful change to the standards for providing urban services in counties under the Growth Management Act.

SB 5520 makes a small but, possibly, very meaningful change to the standards for providing urban services in counties under the Growth Management Act. Current law limits the expansion of urban services into the unincorporated area except in the instances where it is necessary “to protect basic health and safety and the environment.” This proposal, sponsored by Sen. Lynda Wilson (R–Vancouver), changes that and to an or.

We would appreciate hearing from cities or city attorneys on the merits of this proposal. Generally, we want to be protective of the restriction encompassed in this section; but, conceivably, there could be reasons why it would be beneficial to extend services to protect the environment when there isn’t a concurrent public health risk.

Your feedback would be welcomed.


Dates to remember

SB 5520 is set for a hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee at 8 am on Tuesday, February 5.

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