Smoke alarm bill may create unfunded mandate

by <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Jan 28, 2019
In the interest of ensuring working smoke detectors in homes, <strong><a target="_blank" href=";Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019">SB 5284</a></strong> creates a new requirement that working smoke alarms be installed in a dwelling unit prior to transfer of ownership.

In the interest of ensuring working smoke detectors in homes, SB 5284 creates a new requirement that working smoke alarms be installed in a dwelling unit prior to transfer of ownership. SB 5284, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias (D–Edmonds), has a companion, HB 1103, sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Eslick (R—Sultan). SB 5284 was heard on January 24.

Although the bills require the seller to install the smoke detectors prior to occupancy, this provision is to be enforced by either the state or county fire marshal, or city or town fire chief. These bills appear to create an unfunded requirement that cities and counties inspect homes pre-sale to ensure that new smoke alarms have been installed. We believe this may be problematic and would welcome feedback.

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