Bills address voluntary cleanup of contaminated properties

by <a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Jan 25, 2019
<strong><a target="_blank" href=";Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019">HB 1290</a></strong>, sponsored by Rep. Strom Peterson (D&ndash;Edmonds), is a request bill from the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to provide a pathway for voluntary toxic cleanup projects to have a cost-sharing arrangement that would produce faster permitting decisions from Ecology by allowing applicants to pay for agency staffing costs.

HB 1290, sponsored by Rep. Strom Peterson (D–Edmonds), is a request bill from the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to provide a pathway for voluntary toxic cleanup projects to have a cost-sharing arrangement that would produce faster permitting decisions from Ecology by allowing applicants to pay for agency staffing costs. In general terms, this could be a helpful tool to move forward urban restoration projects that are currently held up by limited staffing capacity at the agency to review cleanup plans. SB 5285 is the companion, sponsored by Sen. Guy Palumbo (D-Maltby). SB 5285 passed out of the Senate Environment & Energy Committee during the second week of session. The bill was referred to the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

In addition to the paid permitting pathway, the bills authorize Ecology to waive remediation costs of contaminated properties for development of affordable housing. In doing so, Ecology must consider the requestor's ability to pay and the potential public benefit of the development. The bills also direct Ecology to file a lien against the property to ensure the property is being used for affordable housing.

Please let us know if you see any concerns with this proposal.


Dates to remember

HB 1290 is scheduled for a hearing on Monday, January 28 at 1:30 pm in the House Environment & Energy Committee.

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