About the 2018 <em>Session Recap</em>

by <a href="mailto:reginaa@awcnet.org">Regina Adams</a> | Mar 30, 2018
This <strong><em>Legislative Bulletin</em></strong> is divided into issue areas (budget &amp; finance, transportation, public safety &amp; criminal justice, etc.).

This Legislative Bulletin is divided into issue areas (budget & finance, transportation, public safety & criminal justice, etc.). Within each issue area you will find a legislative session overview, a brief notation of what to expect in the months ahead, and a table of bills detailing AWC priority bills and other bills of interest to cities.

About the bill tables

  • Within each table, bills that passed appear first, followed by bills that did not pass. Within those two groups, bills are listed in numerical order.
  • The table also indicates the effective date for bills that passed.
  • In some cases, we use our own descriptive bill titles rather than the official bill titles used by the Legislature to give you a better idea of what each bill is about.
  • For all bills, clicking on the underlined bill number will take you to the "Bill Information" page on the Legislature’s website.

About the Legislature’s “Bill Information” pages

The Legislature’s website includes a page for every bill that was introduced during the session. Each bill’s web page shows its sponsors and history, as well as links to available documents, amendments, and the fiscal note, if applicable.

For bills that passed, the final version passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor can be found under the header, “Available Documents.” Click the link under “Bill Documents” that says "Session Law."

For background information and a summary of the bill, again look under “Available Documents,” and click on "Final Bill Report" under "Bill Reports." Bill reports are written by nonpartisan legislative staff. Bill language and bill reports are also available for some bills that failed to pass.

Fiscal notes give an estimate of the fiscal impact of a bill on state agencies and on local governments when applicable. Fiscal notes are prepared by agency staff and are finalized and approved by the Office of Financial Management (OFM). Local government fiscal notes are written by staff at the Department of Commerce and must also be finalized and approved by OFM.

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