Wrongful death bill that would have expanded city tort liability died

by <a href="mailto:loganb@awcnet.org">Logan Bahr</a> | Mar 09, 2018
<a target="_blank" href="http://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=6015&amp;Chamber=Senate&amp;Year=2017"><strong>SB 6015</strong></a> failed to pass out of the Legislature this session.

SB 6015 failed to pass out of the Legislature this session. The bill would have significantly expanded city tort liability associated with wrongful death claims. SB 6015 added additional claimants and increased the potential for damages – altering the balance in current law between recovery and fairness after a tragedy. AWC opposed this bill.

Washington local government tort liability is unlike the rest of the nation because we lack many protections that other states and their local governments are granted. For example, Washington local governments:

  1. Cannot claim immunity;
  2. Have fewer available defenses;
  3. Do not have caps on damages; and
  4. Are subject to joint and several liability with a no-fault plaintiff.
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