LFO bill passes the Senate

by <a href="mailto:janew@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Mar 02, 2018
<a href="http://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1783&amp;Year=2017"><strong>HB 1783</strong></a> changes how legal financial obligations (LFOs) are imposed on a convicted defendant.

HB 1783 changes how legal financial obligations (LFOs) are imposed on a convicted defendant.

The bill does the following:

  • Interest: Eliminates interest accrual on the non-restitution portion of an offender’s LFOs. Standards for the reduction or waiver of interest on LFOs are also revised.
  • Exempts indigent defendants: A court may not impose costs on an offender who is indigent at the time of sentencing.
  • Payment Priority: An offender’s LFO payment must be applied in a specific order. The requirement that costs of incarceration be paid last is removed. The payment priority applies to cases in all lower courts.
  • Enforcement: An offender cannot be sanctioned for failure to pay LFOs unless the failure to pay is willful; establishes standards for what constitutes willful failure to pay. Willful failure does not arise if the offender is indigent, homeless, or mentally ill.
  • Crime victim and witness fund: One hundred percent of the crime victim penalty assessment must be deposited into a fund for crime victim and witness programs.
  • DNA fee: DNA database fee is not mandatory if the offender’s DNA has been collected from a prior conviction.

HB 1783 passed out of the Senate, but in a different version than was passed in the House. Once an agreed-upon version is passed, it will be sent to the Governor for his signature.

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