Key homelessness bills move

by <a href="">Andrew Pittelkau</a> | Feb 25, 2018
Two major priorities for AWC continued their path to the finish line.

Two major priorities for AWC continued their path to the finish line.

HB 1570 passed out of the Senate Human Services Committee on Friday with an amendment. The proposal is now a statewide document recording fee increase of $22, plus an elimination of the sunset on the underlying fees. We have long expected that the $50 fee would be decreased in the Senate, and a $22 fee would still generate almost $55 million statewide. Moving this to a statewide fee rather than a local option is a positive thing for many parts of the state whose county would not have used the local option. We are also excited to see that there was bipartisan support in committee.

HB 2667, is our other priority that fixes a quirk in the law that is unnecessarily creating homelessness in our cities. The bill also came out of committee with bipartisan support.

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