<a href="">Dave Catterson</a> | Jan 29, 2018
On January 25, the Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee held a public hearing on <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SB 6480</strong></a> which was introduced at the request of the State Treasurer’s Office.
On January 25, the Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee held a public hearing on SB 6480 which was introduced at the request of the State Treasurer’s Office. In the hearing a representative of the Treasurer’s Office acknowledged that the bill is still a “work in progress.” In short, the bill as presented would establish a new program aimed at improving delivery and coordination of infrastructure funding programs in the state.
While we appreciate the intent of this bill, as currently drafted, it is duplicative of efforts already underway through the Public Works Board. We will continue to monitor this bill if it moves forward.