Bill limiting city authority to ban marijuana businesses has early hearing

by User Not Found | Jan 07, 2018
<a href=";Year=2017" target="_blank"><strong>HB 2336</strong></a>, cosponsored by Rep. Sawyer (D-Parkland) and Rep. Condotta (R-Wenatchee), limits cities&rsquo; ability to prohibit the production, processing and sale of marijuana in their communities by requiring any such prohibition to only be enacted by a public vote.

HB 2336, cosponsored by Rep. Sawyer (D-Parkland) and Rep. Condotta (R-Wenatchee), limits cities’ ability to prohibit the production, processing and sale of marijuana in their communities by requiring any such prohibition to only be enacted by a public vote. Currently cities have the authority to place bans or moratoriums on marijuana businesses through ordinances.

The bill:

  • Establishes a general legal principle that Washington statutes preempt municipal ordinances or regulations pertaining to recreational and medical marijuana.
  • Retains city zoning authority, but prohibits a municipality from enacting an ordinance or regulation that has the effect of precluding the siting of licensed marijuana businesses within its borders unless the municipality already prohibits the same type of business.
  • Establishes two alternative electoral processes through which a municipality may avoid state preemption and enact an ordinance banning the operation of marijuana businesses within its borders.

HB 2336 is scheduled for a hearing on Monday, January 8 at 1:30 pm in House Commerce & Gaming Committee. AWC is opposed to this bill and will be testifying against it at the hearing. Contact Logan with any questions or concerns.

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