User Not Found | Oct 06, 2017
<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>EHB 2163</strong></a> included a state version of a long-standing AWC priority, the Marketplace Fairness Act (internet sales tax) that takes effect on January 1, 2018.
EHB 2163 included a state version of a long-standing AWC priority, the Marketplace Fairness Act (internet sales tax) that takes effect on January 1, 2018.
As provided in the bill, the Mitigation Advisory Committee will help the Department of Revenue (DOR) determine the impacts of EHB 2163 on jurisdictions receiving SST mitigation and the offset for new revenues from internet sales taxes for the mitigation distributions after March 31, 2018.
To help DOR prepare for that discussion and research, they have asked impacted jurisdictions to send them any questions they have regarding implementation of marketplace fairness, the new calculation of offsets to net losses for mitigation under sections 401 and 402 of EHB 2163, and other potential impacts to local jurisdictions. The bill also provides that SST mitigation for all impacted jurisdictions will end by October 2019.
If you have input or questions for DOR, please contact Victoria Lincoln or Sheila Gall at AWC or Valerie Torres of DOR.