User Not Found | Mar 31, 2017
AWC priority bill <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>HB 1764</strong></a>, would change the annual property tax limit from one percent to a limit linked to inflation and population growth.
AWC priority bill HB 1764, would change the annual property tax limit from one percent to a limit linked to inflation and population growth. The bill moved out of the House Finance Committee on Thursday, March 30. We expect this issue will be linked to end-of-session budget discussions.
SHB 2006 moved out of the Senate Local Government Committee with an amendment eliminating the provision removing the non-supplanting provisions in voter-approved multi-year property tax levy lid lifts. The remaining provisions of the bill allow additional counties with more than 90,000 population the authority to impose the voter-approved county criminal justice levy and remove non-supplanting restrictions from the mental health sales tax.